Saturday, April 11, 2009

Book of blades

God Slayer This is a three-bladed broad sword. The parallel outside blades stand roughly 1” apart from the center blade and
are slightly shorter. The full weapon is heavy (13 lbs.) and takes two hands to wield if more than one blade is
present (see Powers).
Type: Broad sword +4 or +5 (see Powers)
INT: none
Ego: none
Alignment: none
Communication: none
Primary powers:
· The two outside blades can be fired as projectile weapons. They have a S/M/L ranges of 5/10/20 and do 1d8
damage (they are +2 to hit). Both can be fired at the same time, but they have to have the same target, and a
single to hit roll determines if both or neither of the blades hit.
· 3-blades weapon acts as a magical +4 broad sword doing triple damage. Weight = 13 lbs., speed = 10.
· 2-blades weapon acts as a magical +4 broad sword doing double damage. Weight = 9 lbs., speed = 6.
· 1-blade weapon acts as a magical +5 broad sword that that does 2d20 points of damage vs. gods and demigods.
Weight = 5 lbs., speed = 1.
This weapon was thought up by a friend of mine but it looks a lot like a sword from a movie I once saw. Don't
blame me! - Sir Jules
I saw the movie! It’s The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982)! Lee Horsley played the good-guy and Richard Lynch
played the villain. The sword was called the Tri-blade. I added ranges, weights, and speeds for the three
embodiments of the sword. - Asst. Editor
XP Value: unknown
Publicerad på Rollspelsakuten
The Gallery Of Magical Blades - Page 35
Hell's Fury

Hell’s Fury is made of pure red iron that is always warm to the touch. The sword can feed upon the heat of the
user to feed its fury. The sword has fire powers that cost the wielder hit points to use. All powers are at the 7thlevel
of ability.
Type: Broad sword, flame tongue*
INT: 14
Ego: 17
Alignment: none
Communication: Speech; Common, Fire Elemental
Minor powers (all at 7th-level of ability):
· Burning Hands - Costs the wielder 1d6 Hit Points.
· Fireball - Costs the wielder 1d10 Hit Points.
Major powers: Wall of Fire - Costs the wielder 1d12+1 Hit Points.
Special purpose: The sword has a special purpose to snuff out anything related to cold or water. If it takes over
its user, he or she will be force to engage in combat of such creatures or to dump on the floor all liquids and actions
such as this to oppose the enemies (Cold/Water) of the sword.
Notes: *See description of flame tongue powers, page 7. - Editors
XP Value: unknown
PHit Point Gambler
< Andrew Rochester:>
This sword is only ever found as a broadsword. The blade is dull and black, etched with unfamiliar runes of the
deities of long-forgotten mythoi.
Type: Broadsword +1
INT: none
Ego: none
Alignment: none
Communication: none
Primary powers:
· The sword, unlike most magical blades, emits no light under any conditions.
· Three power levels of the sword exist (see the table below). Before any “to hit” roll is made, the sword's
wielder can elect to “gamble” a number of hit points. The number of hit points that the sword will allow the
wielder to “gamble” is rolled before the wielder attacks. If the subsequent “to hit” roll is successful, then that
number of hit points is added to the damage inflicted by the strike (calculated normally). If, however, the “to
hit” roll fails, then the same number of hit points are subtracted from the wielder's total. It is quite possible to
be killed by one's overconfidence...
HP Range That Sword
Allows to be “Gambled”
XP Value
of Sword
1d4 350
1d6+1 600
1d8+4 1,200
Background: The secrets of the sword's construction vanished many years ago, and only a handful of the blades
remain in the Forgotten Realms. It is rumored that variants of this weapon exist that reduce the amount of damage
suffered by the sword's owner should his “gamble” fail... It is said that all weapons of this type were constructed by
a Wild Mage, whose name history does not recall, for choice officers in his Personal guard.

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