Thursday, January 28, 2010

World of war craft on pc

# Easy money

This works easily if you have high experience in Herbalism, First Aid, Skinning, Leather Working, etc. Get the materials needed for what you want to make. For example, for First Aid, kill lots of humanoids for linen cloth, wool cloth, etc. Then, just sell the materials to an NPC. If you want more money (for example for Skinning and Leatherworking), make something out of the leather, then sell or auction it off at the nearest auction house.

In Ashenvalle, there are Rotting Slime that drop treasure chests with good items.
# Easy experience

An easy way to increase the speed of leveling up is being rested. This will double the experience from killing enemies only. Discovering an area will not get you double the experience. An easy way to get rested is logging out at an inn. Whenever you know you are going to be away from the game for awhile, try to log out while inside an inn. This will get your player rested while you are away. To tell if your character is rested, look up at the circle next to his or her portrait where it shows your level. A "zzz" will be there instead of your level. This indicates that you are rested. You can also tell if you are rested by looking at your experience bar. The experience you have gained so far will be blue and all of the experience you gain will be blue until you pass the small marker on the experience bar.
# Easy kills with Warlock

When you are a Warlock, use your Fireballs and Drain Soul powers together on an enemy. You must do some quests to get some of these powers. Note: This works most, but not all of the time.
# Prairie Chicken

Go to Saldean's Farm in Westfall and find a chicken. Select it and type "/chicken" into the chat window. Note: Setting up a macro for this will make it go a lot quicker. Do this until "Chicken looks at you quizzically. Maybe you should inspect it?" appears in the chat window. It requires a lot of tries to do this; patience is required. If done correctly, right-clicking over the chicken should open a quest window. Accept it and purchase the Special Chicken Feed from Farmer Saldean. Return to the chicken, select it, then type "/cheer" into the chat window. Right click the chicken and complete the quest. If everything is done correctly, the chicken will now lay an egg. This egg is your new pet, a Prairie Chicken. -From:

Although the quest to obtain the Prairie Chicken is Alliance only, it is possible to get the chicken as a Horde member. Have a friend on an Alliance account do the quest and allow you to pick up the egg from the ground. Alternately, steal the egg when an Alliance member finishes the quest and the chicken lays its egg. This is an very rare pet in the Horde.
# Where to find Ekeyakee

In the "Ekeyakee" quest given by Segra Darkthorn in the CrossRoads, go northeast to Grol'dom farm. Travel to the east side of the mountain, where you will find the bones of a Giant
Kodo near a tree. Stand next to the head and blow the horn. Ekeyakee will appear, unless someone just killed him a moment ago. He will be standing next to the tail if done correctly, and is a level 16 White Lion. Remember that this is a quest, and if you kill him you cannot try again unless you get a friend to blow the horn and let you tame it. If this happens, he loses the horn. You can get a new one from Segra by abandoning the quest and getting it back from her.
# Increase Enchant skill

Select Tailoring and Enchanting as your two professions, then kill a lot of Defias Thieves if you are in Elwynn Forest or Defias Looters, or Pillagers if you are in Westfall. Get a lot of linen cloth, then tailor a large number of bolt and shirts. Get your skill to about 40 or 50, then go to a Journeyman Tailor. Learn to create a red linen robe. Try Stormwind if you are human. Then, create some red linen robes. They are enchanted; use Disenchant to get a skill point in Enchant and either Lesser Magic or Strange Dust. Then, enchant people's bracers for free. Buy linen cloth from people and make more red linen robes and disenchant them. This requires some time and money, but it is much easier than any other way.
# Enchanting

Give away free Enchants if people provide the materials or wait till you are over level 40 and have a mount and can use it. Then, buy lots of the same materials and repeatedly enchant the same item with the same enchant until it will not level you any more. Then, repeat the process. This will get you to a high Enchanting level quickly.
# Easy kills with Warlock

While playing as a Warlock, use your Fireballs and Drain Soul powers at a time on an enemy. You must do some quests to get some of these powers. Note: This works most of the time.
# Learning how to fish, cook, etc.

Go to a trainer and learn the basics. Once your done with the basic learning, open your ability book. The ability you learned should be there. Drag the ability to your action bar. Once there, click on it and it will probably say what kind of items you need or where to go. Note: You must have the correct weapons to do this. For example, for fishing you will need a Fishing Rod; and for Mining you will need a Mining Pick. From there, once you reach a certain level in your abilities you can upgrade your weapons.
# Character development

For Warriors and Paladins, choose their job as a blacksmith. This will increase their experience faster than any rate. For Priests, Warlock, Mage, or Shaman, choose healing abilities, never blacksmith or fishing. This will slow your experience.
# Lordz Of Brooklyn reference

In Goldshire, there is a man named Remy Two-Times. This is a reference to the Lordz Of Brooklyn group member Paulie 2times.
# Romeo and Juliet reference

In Undercity, all of the bankers last names are Montague, which is a reference to the famous family which Romeo belongs to.
# Float in midair

First, get to the Great Lift area in Thousand Needles. Wait for one of the lifts to go down and come back up. Try to jump on the lift as it is coming up. If you are successful, you should fall through the roof and go to the wooden floor. Do not move. When the lift goes down you will be standing at the top of The Great lift. If you move, you will fall and kill yourself. Additionally, when you are in Thunder Bluff or any other area that has a lift with a roof, wait until it goes down. When it starts coming up again, jump on the roof before it gets there and do not move. After it goes back down, you should be floating in mid-air where you hit the roof.

Press [Esc] and put the pointer under the "Logout" option. As you select the "Logout" option, jump. Note: This will not work in inns, and your timing must be precise.
# Goblins twitch

After you kill a goblin such as a Grell or Grellkin from Telldrassill, look closely at the body. He will still blink and his thumb will slowly move up and down.
# Defeating Vagash

To kill Vagash on the "Protecting The Herd" quest, it is easier just to get a group with a healer ranged and a meat.
# Chat commands

Enter one of the following codes at the chat window to activate the corresponding effect:

Result Code
Dance /dance
Sleep /sleep
Fart /fart
Joke /silly
Click on other player to spit on them /spit
Click on other player to cry on their shoulder /cry
Click on other player to wave at them /wave
Click on other player to flirt with them /flirt
Click on other player to blow a kiss /kiss
Clock on other player to mourn them /mourn
Gives current bind location /bind
Cast spells by name /cast
List guild commands /ghelp
List chat commands /chat or /chathelp
Your character follows selected player /follow or /f
Send message to party chat /party or /p
Send message to people near you /say or /s
Send reply to the last person who sent you a tell /r
List players online /who
Yell message to the area around you /yell or /y
Create an emote /em
Display amount of time game played with current character /played
Send text to channel number /[channel], /c, or /csay
Toggle join and leave announcements on channel /announcements or /ann
Set your Away From Keyboard flag /afk
Set Do Not Disturb flag /dnd
Ban or unban player from channel /ban
Unban player from channel /unban
List channels /chatlist
List channel members /chatwho or /chatinfo [channel]
Invite player to channel /cinvite or /chatinvite
Join channel /join, /channel, or /chan
Kick player from channel /kick
Leave a channel (or all channels) /leave, /chatleave, or /chatexit [channel]
Set player's moderator status /mod or /moderator
Remove player's moderator status /unmod or /unmoderator
Toggle moderation on channel /moderate
Change player's mute permission /mute or /unmute
Change player's squelch permission /squelch or /unsquelch
Change player's voice permission /voice or /unvoice
Change password /password or /pass
# Guild commands

Enter one of the following codes at the chat window to activate the corresponding effect:

Result Code
Basic information about guild /ginfo
Send chat message to all guild members /g
Send chat message to all guild officers /o
Invites player to join guild /ginvite
Remove player from guild /gremove
Promote player one rank within guild /gpromote
Demote player one rank within guild /gdemote
Set guild's message of the day /gmotd
Remove self from guild /gquit
Give entire guild roster /groster
Set another player as the guild master (guild master only) /gleade
Disband guild (guild leader only) /gdisband

Friday, July 17, 2009

Figure in the background

Not too much is known about the specifics of this photograph except the couple are now both deceased. To the right of the tree in the upper right-hand corner is a definite misty shape in the form of a human being.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Cheats bible post 1st of many

When I was about 4 or 5 I use to see people around me all Of the time and I would sit and talk to them. They where in front of me as if you were in front of me and I would try to get my parents' attention but they never noticed - me or the ghosts, for that matter.

Until 1 day my mom was in the kitchen washing the dishes and I was playing with my
little soldiers in the doorway to the kitchen. Not only were the figures I myself was playing with being held in the air and clashing against each other but all my men were in the air fighting as if other kids or people were playing with them.

My mom had turned around & seen what was happening And she calmly and very casually Asked me Who I was playing with. I replied & told my mom there names and just as i did the other toys dropped to the floor and they were gone.

I have Had a few of these encounters throughout my life and I had an old minister tell me he saw a power in me that was a curse and an said It was Empathy which is the gift to sense, know or to absorb the emotions around them sometimes that's good sometimes it's bad - it's a very bad thing.

But I will tell more as we progress. On a ghostly topic This just in from Dlisted

I Have found the full Larry King video shot in Neverland. Lets see what you think, if it is Michael or is it shadow imaging:

Monday, July 6th 2009
The Ghost Of Michael Jackson?

"The Ghost Hunters better stand by, because their assistance might be needed. Larry King's (who might be a ghost himself) TV crew was inside Neverland Ranch the other day when one of the cameras picked up something gliding (moonwalking, perhaps?) in front of a doorway. It could just be a shadow, a reflection or Joe Jackson looking for anything he could put on Ebay. It could also be the actual ghost of Michael Jackson! Ooooo Oooooo Ooooo.... I'll go with the latter, because the annoying "Scooby Doo" music tells me to."

The Glanmore House of Belliville Right across the Road From both Macgivers And Micheal Landens summer home The Glanmoer House was is and always will be a mystery to Me The House is a Muzeum Of an older era Full of Hidden doors and rooms Tunnels That lead to key points in the city 1 for example come's out in the City Hall office in Belleville. The House Was owned By The Welthiest Person in Belleville During the war time George Zagouris. I Think That would Be The Reason that there is so menney Secret Doors / Rooms / Tunnels / etc... Some of the phenomena reported are The table in the Dining room is always Set with the dishes upside down The staff would leave for the night Come back the next morning for work and when they get there the Dishes are upright as if they were used for dinner the forks and knives side by side indicating that the meal was Finished.Another report that came frome menney of the Visitors to the Glanmore House. The Report Is Of An older man about 85 or so Hanging from one of the Rafters on the second floor witch is interesting considering that the second Owner of the house was Murderd And Hung To Make it look like a suicide the jewelry And Money that was in the house was taken But nothing disturbed in a search.The Police And Coroner Discovered That The Man Had Been Dead for about 2 hours before he was hanged from the rafters Odley enough It was the Made Who Did It

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Game Backgrounds Provided By Super Cheats

New Transformer game Brought to you by activision

I personally Have been A fan of Transformers Since I was a kid.

Every Saturday & sunday I watched it religiously Right Before WWF Wrestling.

Then Hollywood ran out of ideas Then Decided We should Make real action films based on Cartoons.

I Cant speak For everybody else but I personally Think That They should Leave Child hood memories Well enough alone.

There is Probably Some of you that has a different Opinion And I Welcome you'r comments.

This Post is A Description Of The New Transformer video game Brought to you by Activision Inc.

For the PS2,Nintendo 360, NDS ,PC, PS3, PSP, WII.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Michael Bay, 147 mins, (12A)
Gigantic, Matt Aselton, 97 mins, (15)
A mindless muddle of good bots, bad bots and dodgy politics

Reviewed by Nicholas Barber
Not wishing to overstate the case, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is the pretentious, nonsensical, sexist, jingoistic, militaristic, CGI-dependent, product-placement-packed, hectically edited, punishingly loud, wearyingly long, eye-wateringly expensive, and, I predict, phenomenally profitable exemplar of everything that is most repulsive about Hollywood today.

Perhaps its most unforgivable crime is that it lasts two and a half hours, despite being a sequel to a tie-in to a 1980s range of toys. What happens during that Dr Zhivago-rivalling running time? Nothing as consequential as characterisation or coherent plotting, that's for sure.

T:RotF opens with a prologue set in 17,000BC (told you it was pretentious), and there is endless gobbledegook about "The All-Spark" and "The Matrix of Leadership", but it boils down to some alien goodie robots called the Autobots fighting some alien baddie robots called the Decepticons.

As the mass destruction is all rendered on computer, it's about as thrilling as watching a firework display on TV through someone else's sitting room window, especially as the rock 'em sock 'em robots are all largely identical. The exceptions are Optimus Prime, the pompous leader of the good guys, and two sidekicks with Afro-American voices who are always blundering and jive-talking the way those wacky Afro-Americans do.

On the human side of the cast list, Shia LaBeouf is back playing a teenager who would rather be an ordinary university student than a planet-saving hero (yeah, right). His girlfriend is played by the pouting Megan Fox, who's subjected to camerawork so leering it makes her frequent GQ and FHM photo-shoots look like school graduation portraits. This dirty-old-man treatment makes you wonder what the age of the target audience is supposed to be.

Half of T:RotF seems to have been made for undemanding children, and yet there are more references to male genitalia than you'd get in a series of South Park, while the film's main comic setpiece has the hero's mother swallowing a bag of marijuana and then informing strangers that she overheard him losing his virginity. There may even be a scene in which John Turturro whips his trousers off and reveals the thong he's wearing underneath, but I might have imagined it. I hope I didn't.

The film's political stance is revolting, too, which won't come as a surprise if you've seen Bad Boys II, Pearl Harbor, or any other films by the same director, Michael Bay.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Autobots and the Decepticons are said to be alien beings who have thoughts and feelings just as we do. That being the case, what are we supposed to make of a scene in which Optimus Prime summarily executes an incapacitated Decepticon? And what about the delightful skit in which the heroine prises information from a Decepticon by ramming a soldering iron into its eye? Movie Review provied By The independent films Website.

Game review By

Publisher: Activision Inc.

Developer: Krome Studios

Category: Action

Release Dates

N Amer - 06/23/2009

Official Game Website

Also available on: 360 NDS PC PS3 PSP WII

Activision Unveils Battle For The Allspark V2 Online Game
Activision, Inc is recruiting gamers to join the battle for world domination

Activision Unleashes Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Game at BotCon 2009
In addition, consumers will have the chance to jam to the latest downloadable track for Guitar Hero World Tour, “The Touch” from Stan Bush, which is available now for free

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Pre-order Info
The code for gold Optimus and Megatron will be distributed as part of a flipbook keepsake at launch that contains animations for both characters

Activision Secures All-Star Talent Line-up for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Video Game
Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Peter Cullen and Frank Welker Return to Provide Voice-Over Performances

Jablonsky Headlines Eclectic Trio of Music Artists in New Transformers Game
Activision has announced the diverse group of artists that produced the soundtrack for the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game

All News for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

The fate of the earth and the survival of the human race hang in the balance in the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game for the Wii and PS2. Based on Hasbro’s legendary TRANSFORMERS property, the game takes players on an action-packed journey that follows a similar storyline to that of the highly anticipated blockbuster film due out on June 24th from Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures. Playing as both the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS, players are propelled into an adrenaline-pumping battle for supremacy across the globe where every second and every choice makes the difference between mankind’s salvation and annihilation.

Recruit a Friend to Join the Battle in Unique Co-op Campaigns – At any point in the intense single-player campaign, a friend can join in as a “Remote Weapon System,” acting as a floating shield to defend you and as a special weapons system to strengthen the assault.
Test Your Skills in the All-New Co-op Arena Mode – Teamwork is key as players enter the new Arena mode to pick their favorite characters and fight alongside their friends arcade-style against increasing waves of enemies.
Combat Variety Across the Globe – Players tackle 15 action-packed levels set in unique environments that include vehicular sequences, flight-based rail levels and blistering combat chains full of close-ranged melee strikes and projectile missile attacks.
Unleash Devastating Fury Using Gesture-Based Combat – On the Wii, players can utilize full gesture-driven controls to interactively demolish their opponents as their favorite TRANSFORMERS characters. Additionally, each character has a unique special attack that combines both Robot and Vehicle modes to obliterate enemies.
Intense, Heroic Missions – Every second is precious as players drive, fly, fight and blast their way through gripping levels inspired by the film and beyond to determine the ultimate fate of the world.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Cheats And Info on the GTA series

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Cheats

GenreThird Person Action Adventure
PlatformXbox 360
No. of Players1-16
ESRBesrb m


Cheat: Spawn Vehicles 

Take out your phone by tapping Up on the D-pad twice, then enter the number below for the desired vehicle: 

826-555-0150 - Burrito

245-555-0125 - Double T

245-555-0199 - Hakuchou

245-555-0150 - Hexer

245-555-0100 - Innovation

826-555-0100 - Slamvan

 Cheat: Vintage Cheat List 

Cheat: Vintage Cheat List 

Take out your phone by tapping Up on the D-pad twice, then enter the number below for the desired effect: 

267-555-0150 - Raise wanted level

267-555-0100 - Lower wanted level

362-555-0100 - Replenish armor

482-555-0100 - Replenish health, armor, and ammo

468-555-0100 - Alter weather

486-555-0100 - Weapon pack 1

486-555-0150 - Weapon pack 2

948-555-0100 - Song information

359-555-0100 - Spawn an Annihiliator

227-555-0142 - Spawn a Cognoscenti

227-555-0175 - Spawn a Comet

227-555-0100 - Spawn an FIB Buffalo

938-555-0100 - Spawn a Jetmax

625-555-0100 - Spawn an NRG-900

625-555-0150 - Spawn a Sanchez

227-555-0168 - Spawn a SuperGT

227-555-0147 - Spawn a Turismo

Unlockable: Hokachu Bike 

To unlock the bike Beat 12 races in single-player. Clay will transport it for you

Unlockable: Gang War Weapons 

To unlock the weapons below is the following codes.

Beat 10 Gang Wars - Sawed-off Shotgun

Beat 20 Gang Wars - Automatic Pistol

Beat 30 Gang Wars - Carbine Rifle

Beat 40 Gang Wars - Assault Rifle

Beat 50 Gang Wars - Grenade Launcher 

Beat All Gang Wars - Free guns 4 life from Terry

Unlockable: No Ammo Limit

To unlock No Ammo Limit, Get 100% completion to remove ammo limits in the game

Unlockable: More Vehicles

To unlock More Vedicles, Perform the actions below:

- Kill all 50 Seagulls

Bati 800
- Complete all of Angus' bike theft missions

Unlockable: Weapons from Jim

To unlock the respective weapon, Perform the actions below:

Extra Parking 

Good News! The yellow parking spaces in front of safe houses you have gained in the main story will carry over into the Lost and Damned content. Use these to save and repair vehicles!

Gang War Rewards 

Description: Meet the following requirements to unlock the weapons below for the safehouse:

Beat 10 Gang WarsSawed-off Shotgun
Beat 20 Gang WarsAutomatic Pistol
Beat 30 Gang WarsCarbine Rifle
Beat 40 Gang WarsAssault Rifle
Beat 50 Gang WarsGrenade Launcher
Beat All Gang WarsFree guns 4 life from Terry

Hokachu Bike 

Beat 12 races in single-player to unlock the bike. Clay will transport it for you.

More Vehicles 

Description: Perform the actions isted below to unlock additional vehicles:

InnovationKill all 50 Seagulls
Bati 800Complete all of Angus' bike theft missions

No Ammo Limit 

Get 100% completion to remove ammo limits in the game.

Spawn Vehicles 

Description: Take out your phone by tapping Up on the D-pad twice, then enter the number below for the desired vehicle:

245-555-0125Double T
227-555-0100FIB Buffalo

Vintage Cheat List 

Description: These cheats from GTA IV's main story are also effective in the downloadable content. Take out your phone by tapping Up on the D-pad twice, then enter the number below for the desired effect:

267-555-0150Raise wanted level
267-555-0100Lower wanted level
362-555-0100Replenish armor
482-555-0100Replenish health, armor, and ammo
468-555-0100Alter weather
486-555-0100Weapon pack 1
486-555-0150Weapon pack 2
948-555-0100Song information
359-555-0100Spawn an Annihiliator
227-555-0142Spawn a Cognoscenti
227-555-0175Spawn a Comet
227-555-0100Spawn an FIB Buffalo
938-555-0100Spawn a Jetmax
625-555-0100Spawn an NRG-900
625-555-0150Spawn a Sanchez
227-555-0168Spawn a SuperGT
227-555-0147Spawn a Turismo

Weapons from Jim 

Description: At the clubhouse you can call Jim to deliver certain weapons. Perform the actions below to unlock the respective weapon: "Ihave enjoyed The Grand Theft Auto Series since its inception. The First of the series was a flop; Grand Theft Auto, the first game in the Grand Theft Auto series, was originally released for PC on Feb 28, 1998. Later, it was released on PlayStation June 30, 1998, as well as GameBoy Colour, in 1999." Main article: 

"The second  game in the series, Grand Theft Auto 2, was developed for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation and Dreamcast and released in 1999. Set in the indeterminable future, it featured updated graphics and somewhat different gameplay based upon the player's appeal to various criminal organizations."

A reduced Game Boy Color port was also produced. Unlike the other games of the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA2 was the only game released in its era. It is also the only game to have a "T" (Teen) rating. It is also the only sequel to have a digit in the title instead of a Roman numeral.The 3rd was GTA III Released in 2001.

"Grand Theft Auto III was released in October 2001, and served as the breakthrough for the franchise. The game's setting takes place around that time, in fictional Liberty City, which is loosely based on New York City, but also incorporates elements of other American cities. Grand Theft Auto III brought a third-person view to the series, rather than the traditional top-down view of earlier titles (although the view is still made available as an optional camera angle). For the first time, the problem of navigating in the huge sandbox game was solved by implementing a constant GPS triggered mini-map that highlights the player's position as well as those of current targets. Graphics were also updated with a new 3D game engine. The gameplay engine expanded the explorable world of GTA III, using a mission-based approach. Multiplayer was discarded (third party mods were later released, allowing for multiplayer gameplay), but GTA III improved in many other areas such as voice-acting and plot (in previous games, there was speech only in short animated cut scenes between levels, while other communication was simply subtitles running on the bottom of the screen).

After the success of Grand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: Vice City was released in 2002. This game was set in 1986 in Vice City, which was based on Miami. The game's plot focuses on the cocaine trade during the 1980s. Vice City was the first game to introduce fully functional flying vehicles that could be used by the player, such as sea planes and helicopters. It also featured a variety of new weapons and vehicles.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, released in October 2004, is set in 1992, focusing on California gang life and the awakening of the drug epidemic brought on by crack cocaine. The setting was in the fictional state of San Andreas, which was based on some California and Nevada cities, specifically Los AngelesSan Francisco, and Las Vegas. Their counterparts are Los SantosSan Fierro, and Las Venturas respectively. The game also included a countryside in between Los Santos and San Fierro and also between Los Santos and Las Venturas, and a desert in between Las Venturas and San Fierro.

Grand Theft Auto Advance, for the Game Boy Advance, was also released in 2004. Originally developed as a top-down conversion of GTA III, became an original game. Unlike the Game Boy Color ports of Grand Theft Auto and Grand Theft Auto 2Grand Theft Auto Advance did not tone down the violence and profanity common to the GTA series. The game received an "M" (Mature) rating from the ESRB. It was developed by an external developer, Digital Eclipse.

In 2005 and 2006, Rockstar released two games for the PlayStation Portable, both developed by Rockstar LeedsGrand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is a prequel to Grand Theft Auto IIIand set in Liberty City in 1998. A PlayStation 2 port was released by Rockstar on 6 June 2006.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories was released for the PlayStation Portable on 31 October 2006 and set in Vice City in 1984, two years before the events of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. A PlayStation 2 port of the game was released on 6 March 2007. It is the last installment of the third generation series, and the final game in the Grand Theft Auto III canon.Grand Theft Auto IV

Grand Theft Auto IV was released on 29 April 2008, after a six month delay.[6] It was the first Grand Theft Auto game to be released simultaneously for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360consoles. In August 2008, Rockstar announced that it was going to publish GTA IV for PC. GTA IV'game engine is the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (also known as RAGE) used inRockstar Games presents Table Tennis and the Euphoria physics engine. The game once again takes place in a redesigned Liberty City that very closely resembles New York City, much more than previous renditions.

Microsoft officially announced a "strategic alliance" with Rockstar Games over the rights to episodic content through their Xbox Live service at their X06 event. This content was released asGrand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned on 17 February 2009, and it is available for download, exclusively for the Xbox 360. The expansion adds some new elements to the existing game and focuses on Johnny Klebitz, the vice president of "The Lost" motorcycle gang. The second Grand Theft Auto IV Downloadable Content will be called "Blood and a Four Leaf Clover". 

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is the first Grand Theft Auto game to be released on the Nintendo DS, and was announced at the E3 Nintendo Press Conference on July 15, 2008. This game has several new features, such as touch screen mini-games. The game was released on March 17, 2009 in North America and March 20, 2009 to Australia and Europe. The game is rated 18+ by PEGI and the BBFC (Europe, UK) and M by the ESRB (North America).

Summary of Games

EraTitle †DeveloperPrimary platformAvailabilityFirst released
FirstGrand Theft AutoDMA DesignTarantula StudiosPCPS1WindowsGameboy ColorDOS1997
London, '69DMA Design, Tarantula Studios, Rockstar Canada,RunecraftExpansion packPS1WindowsNoneDOS1999
London, '61DMA Design, Tarantula Studios, Rockstar Canada,RunecraftExpansion packPS1WindowsNoneNone
SecondGrand Theft Auto 2DMA Design, Tarantula StudiosConsolePS1WindowsGameBoy ColorDreamcast
ThirdGrand Theft Auto IIIDMA Design, Rockstar ViennaConsolePS2Windows, XboxNoneNone2001
Vice CityRockstar North, Rockstar ViennaConsolePS2Windows, XboxNoneNone2002
AdvanceDigital EclipseHand-heldNoneNoneGameBoy AdvanceNone2004
San AndreasRockstar NorthConsolePS2Windows, Xbox, Xbox 360NoneNone
Liberty City StoriesRockstar North, Rockstar LeedsHand-heldPSP, PS2NoneNoneNone2005
Vice City StoriesRockstar North, Rockstar LeedsHand-heldPSP, PS2NoneNoneNone2006
FourthGrand Theft Auto IVRockstar North, Rockstar TorontoConsolePS3Windows, Xbox 360NoneNone2008
The Lost and DamnedRockstar NorthExpansion packNoneXbox 360NoneNone2009
Chinatown WarsRockstar North, Rockstar LeedsHand-heldNoneNoneDSNone
Total13 games

 It is important to note that all of the games' titles begin with "Grand Theft Auto".
Games in green mark the beginning of a new era, and all those that follow in yellow are in the same era as the preceding green field.


The series has courted a great deal of negative controversy. Lawyer Jack Thompson has been involved in a number of attempts to get families of murder victims to hold the Grand Theft Auto series accountable for the death of their loved ones. Due to his conduct in this and related cases, Thompson was disbarred in 2008, and was fined more than $43,000 by the Florida Bar Association.

On 20 October 2003, the families of Aaron Hamel and Kimberly Bede, two young people shot by teens William and Josh Buckner (who in statements to investigators claimed their actions were inspired by GTA III) filed a US$246 million lawsuit against publishers Rockstar GamesTake-Two Interactive Software, retailer Wal-Mart, and PlayStation 2 manufacturer Sony Computer Entertainment America. Rockstar and its parent company, Take-Two, filed for dismissal of the lawsuit, stating in U.S. District Court on 29 October 2003 that the "ideas and concepts as well as the 'purported psychological effects' on the Buckners are protected by the First Amendment's free-speech clause." The lawyer of the victims, Jack Thompson, denied that, but failed in his attempt to move the lawsuit into a state court and under Tennessee's consumer protection act.Two days later, the plaintiffs filed a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, and the case was closed.

In February 2005, a lawsuit was brought upon the makers and distributors of the Grand Theft Auto series claiming the games caused a teenager to shoot and kill three members of theAlabama police force. The shooting took place in June 2003 when Devin Moore, 17 years old at the time, was taken in for questioning by police in Fayette, Alabama regarding a stolen vehicle. Moore then grabbed a pistol from one of the police officers and shot and killed him along with another officer and dispatcher before fleeing in a police car. One of Moore's attorneys, Jack Thompson, claimed it was GTA's graphic nature - with his constant playing time - that caused Moore to commit the murders, and Moore's family agrees. Damages are being sought from branches of GameStop and Wal-Mart in Jasper, Alabama, the stores from which GTA III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, respectively, were purchased and also from the games' publisher Take-Two Interactive, and the PlayStation 2 manufacturer Sony Computer Entertainment. The case is currently being heard by the same judge who presided over Moore's criminal trial, in which Moore was sentenced to death for his actions.

In May 2005, Jack Thompson appeared via satellite on the Glenn Beck program on CNN's Headline News. Thompson mentioned Devin Moore and said regarding Grand Theft Auto III andGrand Theft Auto: Vice City "There's no doubt in my mind [...] that but for Devin Moore's training on this cop killing simulator, he would not have been able to kill three cops in Fayette, Alabama who are now dead and in the ground. We are suing Take-TwoSonyWal-Mart, and GameStop for having trained Devin Moore to kill. He had no history of violence. No criminal record."

In September 2006, Jack Thompson brought another lawsuit, claiming that Cody Posey played the game obsessively before murdering his father Delbert Paul Posey, stepmother Tryone Schmid, and stepsister Marilea Schmid on a ranch in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The suit was filed on behalf of the victims' families. During the criminal trial, Posey's defense team argued he was abused by his father, and tormented by his stepmother. Posey was also taking Zoloft at the time of the killings. The suit alleged that were it not for his obsessive playing of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the murders would not have taken place. Named in the suit were Cody Posey, Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive, and Sony. The suit asked for US$600 million in damages.

In June 2008, four teens in New York decided to go on a crime spree, claiming inspiration from Grand Theft Auto. The four teens beat and robbed a man outside of a New Hyde Park supermarket. They then went to a train station, encountering other teens they knew from their high school and recruiting them. The mob, now numbering six, armed themselves with a baseball bat, a broomstick and a crowbar. They stopped a woman driving a black BMW, stole her cigarettes, then her car. They then smashed a van with the baseball bat they carried. Both the driver of the BMW as well as the van called the police, and the teens were arrested shortly after.In 2009, a six-year-old boy, who claimed he had learned to drive from the game, took his family's car on a 10 mile trip before he crashed.

According to the The Guinness World Records 2009 Gamer's Edition, it's the most controversial videogame series ever, with over 4,000 articles published about it, which include accusations of glamorizing violence, corruption gamers, and connection to real life crimes.

Sixth Generation

Every console game released starting from Grand Theft Auto III each had its own variety of diverse controversies. There were three original console installments in the sixth generation of video games. Some of the controversies stemmed in this generation include extreme violence, hate crimes, and deliberate sex indulgence.

General Violent Notoriety (Grand Theft Auto III)

The controversies and complaints began with the release of Grand Theft Auto III. Some controversy can be attributed to publicist Max Clifford, who planted sensational stories in tabloids in order to help sell the game.

There is also criticism from the focus on illegal activities in comparison with traditional "heroic" roles that other games offer. The main character can commit a wide variety of crimes and violent acts while dealing with only temporary consequences, including the killing of policemen and military personnel. Opponents of violent video games, such as Hillary Clinton and Julia Boseman, believe that players will try to emulate this behaviour, while proponents believe it provides an emotional outlet, as such actions in real life would have serious consequences.

Critics have also targeted the exploitative and violent attitude toward women. Although not encouraged to do so, main character Claude may utilize the services of prostitutes, and then subsequently murder and rob them. This utilization has been subsequently carried on in every single game in the series and is extremely more graphic in IV.

Alleged discrimination against Haiti (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)

The sixth game in the series, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, also came under criticism. One mission in particular, in which the player must instigate a gang war between Haitian and Cuban gangs, has been controversial. Haitian and Cuban anti-defamation groups criticized the game.

Jean-Robert Lafortune of the Haitian American Grassroots Coalition is quoted as saying that "The game shouldn't be designed to destroy human life, it shouldn't be designed to destroy an ethnic group," for this and similar scenarios, including lines in the game's script such as "kill the Haitian dickheads" during an altercation between the player and a Haitian gang. After the threat for having been sued by the Haitian-American Grassroots Coalition, Rockstar removed the word "Haitians" from this phrase in the game's subtitles.

Sex (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)

San Andreas contained a sex minigame that was cut from the game, but remained in the game code, which was discovered in both the console and Windows versions of the game. Dubbed the "Hot Coffee mod", the minigame allowed players to have sex with their in-game girlfriends.

After the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreashackers managed to find the unused code in the game and released unofficial patches for the Windows & Xbox (with a modchip)version enabling the player to engage in these sexual mini-games (dubbed "Hot Coffee" in reference to a euphemism for sex used in the game). These mini-games were never intended to be playable in the final version of the game, but were left partially intact in the game's code. This prompted application of an Adults Only (AO) ESRB rating to the version of the game containing the leftover code. Take-Two Interactive was forced to re-release the game in order to restore the Mature (M) rating. A class action lawsuit against Take-Two was also filed as a result of the "Hot Coffee" code.

Seventh Generation

Grand Theft Auto IV is the first and currently only console game of the series in the seventh generation of video games. It has already been a subject of intense controversy in the media such as from talk-show host Glenn Beck and the Chicago Transit Authority.

Drunk Driving (Grand Theft Auto IV)

One of the controversies involved with this game that had details of the gameplay was the Mothers Against Drunk Driving's (MADD) criticism of the ability to drink and drive as a new feature. MADD had even requested ESRB to change the rating of the game from "M" for ages seventeen and up to "AO," for adults only, because they felt it was inappropriate for children even in the age of seventeen to experience drunk driving in any way, shape, or form. If Rockstar were to comply, Grand Theft Auto IV would be the second game in the series to have the rating converted from "M" for those seventeen and older to "AO" for those eighteen and older.

Similar games

Critics sometimes treat the release of Grand Theft Auto III as a revolutionary event in the history of video games, much like the release of Doom nearly a decade earlier. Subsequent games that follow this formula of driving and shooting have been called Grand Theft Auto clones. Some reviewers even extended this label to the Driver series, even though this series began years before the release of Grand Theft Auto III. Grand Theft Auto clones are a type of 3D action-adventure game, where players are given the ability to drive any vehicle or fire any weapon as they explore an open world. These games often incorporate violent and criminal themes. Notable games that are sometimes seen as Grand Theft Auto clones are theSaints Row series,The Godfather,The Godfather IIThe GetawayThe Getaway: Black MondayCrackdownMafia: The City of Lost HeavenMafia IIWheelmanTrue Crime: Streets of LATrue Crime: New York CityScarface: The World Is Yours and The Simpsons Hit & Run, which uses the GTA style of gaming.


Ever since 2001, the Grand Theft Auto series has become a gargantuan success, both critically and financially. It has generated perfect or near perfect reviews and scores on almost all of the games, and has sold over 70 million copies worldwide, as of March 2008. Times Online reported that Grand Theft Auto IV, the latest console installment, recorded 609,000 copies in first-day sales, in the UK. In its first week, Grand Theft Auto IV sold approximately 6 million copies worldwide and grossed over $500 million.

The series has broken several records, and many of them resulted in the Guinness World Records awarding the series 10 world records in the Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008. These records include Most Guest Stars in a Video Game Series, Largest Voice Cast in a Video Game (GTA: San Andreas), Largest In-Game Soundtrack (GTA: San Andreas), and Most Successful Entertainment Launch Of All Time (GTA IV).

† Grand Theft Auto IV is the first and only game in the series to be awarded a "10" by IGN. This is unique for the series because IGN rarely awards games with perfect scores. The last time IGN awarded a "10" before Grand Theft Auto IV was 1999, to Soul Calibur. However, later in 2008, another game was awarded a "10," which was Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Games in green mark the beginning of a new era, and all those that follow in yellow are in the same era as the preceding green fit


Following the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games has released The Lost And Damned and Chinatown Wars and is developing a second downloadable pack for the Xbox 360version of Grand Theft Auto IV. After the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, rumors began circulating that the next complete console installment would be released in 2009. However, in January 2009, Rockstar confirmed that this was untrue. Many video game experts now believe that the next console installment will be released in 2010. On the 20th episode ofGameTrailers' "Bonus Round", Wedbush Morgan Securities’ video game industry analyst Michael Pachter said, “I actually think they already have a story in mind. GTA5 is already in the planning stage and my guess is you’ll see the next GTA game in two and a half years. In fall of 2010, there’ll be Grand Theft Auto 5.”


  • Grand Theft Auto soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto 2 soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto III soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto IV soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Official Soundtrack Box Set
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City OST - Greatest Hits
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack Box Set
  • The Music of Grand Theft Auto IV 
  • The series Has Had The Worlds Atention Well I Know it has had Mine 
  • Motor vehicle theft, sometimes referred to as grand theft auto by the media and police departments in the US, is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle, including an automobiletruckbusmotorcyclesnowmobiletrailer or any other motorized vehicle.Incidentaly  Did you know that the Name for  GTA Came from Methods

    Shattered glass marks the spot where a parkedvehicle was stolen

    Some methods used to steal motor vehicles are as follows:

    • Theft of an unattended vehicle without key(s): The removal of a parked vehicle either by breaking and entry, followed by hotwiring or other tampering methods to start the vehicle, or else towing.
    • Theft with access to keys: Known in some places as "Taken Without Owner's Consent (TWOC). The unauthorized use of a vehicle in which the owner has allowed the driver to have possession of or easy access to the keys. Often, this is the adolescent or grown child or employee of the vehicle's owner, whom at other times, may be authorized to use the vehicle. May be treated differently, depending on the jurisdiction's laws, and in some cases, the owner may choose not to press charges.
    • Opportunistic theft: The removal of a vehicle that the owner or operator has left unattended with the keys visibly present, sometimesidling
    • Carjacking: Refers to the taking of a vehicle by force or threat of force from its owner or operator. In most places, this is the most serious form of theft, since assault also occurs. In some carjackings, the operators and passengers are forced from the vehicle while the thief drives it away him/herself, while in other incidents, the operator and/or passenger(s) are forced to remain in the vehicle as hostages. Some less common carjackings result in the operator being forced to drive the assailant in accordance with the assailant's demands. This method is most often used when the assailant does not know how to operate the vehicle of choice (i.e. a helicopter or airliner). In the United States, carjacking is a federal offense, subject to 15 years imprisonment[1].
    • Fraudulent theft: Illegal acquisition of a vehicle from a seller through fraudulent transfer of funds that the seller will ultimately not receive (such as by identity theft or the use of acounterfeit cashier's check). Many vehicles stolen in this manner are resold quickly thereafter.

     Tools Used

    • Slide Hammer Puller to break into the door locks and the cylinder lock.
    • Multimeters or a test light to find the source of the battery
    • Spare wires and/or a screwdriver to connect the battery source to the ignition and starter wires
    • A generic rod and hook toolkit to slip between your car window and car frame and to open the lock behind the window. A common one is called the "Slim Jim".
    • New keyless ignition/lock cars often share the same 40-bit encryption method between their "keys" and their computers. Using a RFID microreader and a laptop, university students have managed to remotely unlock, start, and drive away in top-of-the-line luxury cars, not without returning the cars to their rightful owners of course and with their consent to "steal" it in the first place.[citation needed]

    Motivations for theft

    Motor vehicles often get stolen for the following reasons:[original research?]

    • Transportation of self: For temporary or long-term use of transportation, in hopes that this use will not be detected by law enforcement. Most vehicles that are stolen are reported as soon as their owners discover them missing, therefore limiting the amount of time they can be driven without detection.
    • Commission of a crime: When used for transportation in a crime, if the vehicle reported by witnesses does not belong to or have any ties to the perpetrator, and is abandoned thereafter, it cannot be traced to the perpetrator, without a study of forensic evidence that may not always be successful.
    • Joyriding
    • Chopping and selling parts: May be a single vehicle stolen for its parts, or a larger ring that engages in the mass theft of vehicles. Vehicles stolen for this purpose are less likely to be returned to their owners, since they have been dismantled, and the parts have either been sold as replacement parts or built into new vehicles. VIN etching or microdots may prevent this from occurring to a vehicle.
    • Resale of vehicle: A stolen vehicle cannot easily be resold within the country from where it is stolen due to its registration to its owner. But shipping the vehicle across a border to a location where there is no reciprocity for motor vehicle registration may allow the thief to dodge this process.

    Vehicles most frequently stolen

    The makes and models of vehicles most frequently stolen vary by several factors, including region and ease of theft.

    In recent years in the United States, some models often on lists of most frequently stolen vehicles include Toyota CamryHonda AccordJeep Cherokee, and Cadillac Escalade[citation needed]. In Thailand, the most frequently stolen vehicles are Toyota cars, Isuzu pickup trucksHonda cars, and Honda motorcycles (2007 data).[2]


    There are various methods of prevention to reduce the likelihood of a vehicle getting stolen. These include physical barriers, which make the effort of stealing the vehicle more difficult. Some of these include:

    • Devices used to lock a part of the vehicle necessary in its operation, such as the steering wheel or brake pedal. A popular steering wheel lock is The Club.
    • Immobilisers, allowing the vehicle to start only if a key containing the correct chip is present in the ignition.

    Chances of theft can also be reduced with various deterrents, which give the impression to the thief that s/he is more likely to get caught if the vehicle is stolen. These include:

    • Car alarm systems that are triggered if a breaking and entry into the vehicle occurs
    • microdot identification tags which allow individual parts of a vehicle to be identified
    • Killswitch circuits are designed to frustrate or slow down the efforts of a determined car thief. Killswitches are often located between crucial parts of the starting system, between the battery source and the coil, or the fuel pump. A car cannot start without first flipping these killswitches to closed position. Smart car owners hide these killswitches in obscured areas, under the dashboard, beneath the seat, behind a chair, etc.
    • Signage on windows warning of the presence of other deterrents, sometimes in absence of the actual deterrants.
    • VIN etching

    [Recovery of stolen vehicles

    Recovery rates for stolen vehicles vary, depending on the effort a jurisdiction's police department puts into recovery, and devices a vehicle has installed to assist in the process.

    Police departments use various methods of recovering stolen vehicles, such as random checks of vehicles that come in front of a patrol unit, checks of all vehicles parked along a street or within a parking lot, or keeping a watchlist of all the vehicles reported stolen by their owners. Police departments also receive tips on the location of stolen vehicles or in the UK, Taken WithOut Consent?

    Vehicle tracking systems, such as LoJack or Automatic vehicle location, may enable the location of the vehicle to be tracked by local law enforcement or a private company. Other security devices such as DotGuard microdots allow individual parts of a vehicle to also be identified and potentially returned.

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